
Underlying all the science relied upon by USPP members is the monitoring of various aspects of the hydrologic cycle. The monitoring is organized into four main hydrologic groups: groundwater in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed, the riparian system, the San Pedro River, and springs. Within these 4 groups, the USPP and members collectively fund and perform monitoring of 14 indicators of groundwater and surface water supply availability and quality. Since the USPP’s inception in 1998, the data has been stored in various member databases and reports, however, the new web-based hydrologic information portal (WHIP) is up and running to link users directly to the data and provide intuitive, spatial renderings of the data on maps.

The WHIP has three main functions:

  1. Provide readily accessible, geospatially accessed, hydrologic information through the synthesis of raw hydrologic data sets and include direct access to the raw data sets via direct web links.
  2. Provide data visualization tools that allow users to graphically view single data sets, side-by-side data-set comparisons, data overlays, and basic statistical analyses keyed to a map interface.
  3. Ensure the ready and timely availability of Sierra Vista Subwatershed and Upper San Pedro Basin monitoring data via a report-out template.

The monitoring results are reviewed by the USPP Technical Committee Science and Technical Advisors and reported back to the Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC). Recommendations for continued or additional monitoring funding are brought by the other committees or members to the Administrative Committee for budgeting and approval.

Featured Reports

List of 14 Indicators of Sierra Vista Subwatershed Sustainability (December, 2019)

Hydrological conditions and evaluation of sustainable groundwater use in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed, Upper San Pedro Basin, southeastern Arizona (Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5114)

Featured Presentations

The following presentation materials have been presented at Upper San Pedro Partnership meetings by presenters or their company or agency for the benefit of the USPP members and to meet Partnership information needs. Presentation materials and all data, information or software referenced therein is shared at the discretion of the presenters. The USPP is providing interested parties access to this information for the purpose of informing water conservation (and management) in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed. Some data may be preliminary and subject to change. If you desire to cite this work, please contact the author.

CCRN 2018 Project Site Monitoring Report
(June 19, 2019)
Download PDF presentation

Streamflow Permanence monitoring report
(June 19, 2019) Download PDF presentation

Upper San Pedro Groundwater Basin Well Sweep- Spring, 2019
(February 20, 2019) Download PPT presentation

Wet/Dry Mapping on San Pedro River: A binational monitoring project / June 2018 results
(October 17, 2018)
Download PDF presentation