Project Summaries – Huachuca City


Fort Huachuca and the City of Huachuca City have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement in which the Fort has agreed to accept wastewater from Huachuca City, to treat the wastewater, and to recharge it to the aquifer.

This project is mutually beneficial to Fort Huachuca and to Huachuca City.

Presently, the Fort ‘s Wastewater Treatment Facility is not being used to capacity. It can easily and safely accept additional wastewater. On the other hand, Huachuca City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility needs updating. Its holding ponds are located within the 100 year floodplain of the Babocomari River. If the containment of the primary holding pond is compromised, there is a high probability that partially treated sewage would be released into the river channel.

Under the Fort Huachuca-Huachuca City Effluent Transfer Program, the existing Huachuca City holding ponds will be closed and new ponds will be constructed that are located outside of the floodplain. The transfer of the effluent to Fort Huachuca will allow the Fort’s Wastewater Treatment Facility to operate more efficiently. This project is a win-win project for Fort Huachuca and Huachuca City and will benefit the Upper San Pedro Watershed.