The Upper San Pedro Partnership, working closely with Cochise County and other member agencies, developed Water Conservation Plans during 2001-2005. Since 2004, the Partnership has been required to submit annual reports to Congress documenting progress to its goal of sustainability in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed. These Section 321 Reports have to taken the place of the Water Conservation Plans.
2005 Water Management and Conservation Plan
The Plan provides information on the Partnership’s water management and conservation efforts since the release of last year’s Plan.
Working Plan 2005 (Final).pdf [1MB]
2004 Plan Summary
This is a summary of the Water Management & Conservation Plan. It highlights components of the Plan.
USPP Plan Summary.pdf [2MB]
2004 Water Management & Conservation Plan
The purpose of this second plan is to inform the public of the Partnership’s progress and efforts to date with respect to water management and conservation measures since the release of last year’s plan. In addition, this plan sets the stage for the development of a report to Congress by December 31, 2004 as required by Section 321 of the FY 2004 Congressional Defense Spending Bill.
2004.plan.doc [3,044KB]
2004.plan.pdf [888KB]
2003 Plan Summary
This is a summary of the Working Water Conservation Plan. It highlights important issues and components of the Plan.
USPP Plan Summary (1,211KB)
2003 Working Water Conservation Plan
The Partnership has developed the first version of a “working” water conservation plan (Plan). The Plan communicates Partnership policies and objectives, catalogs member agency conservation efforts, summarizes ongoing research and recommends future policies and activities. The Plan will be updated on an annual basis as studies are completed and new information becomes available.
USPPConservPlan030212.doc [2,003KB]
USPPConservPlan030212.pdf [917KB]
2002 Water Management & Conservation Plan
2002ConservPlan.pdf [164KB]
2002 Planning Activity Report